How to Delegate and Stay Sane


I want to be real for a second. Business is booming and that is great but I've had to bring on someone to help and honestly it is driving me crazy! I have always held some sort of management role but for some reason delegation is giving me high anxiety and I know I have to overcome it. 

Do you know the feeling? Delegation is so important for a growing business but it is also one of the most difficult things for entrepreneurs to do. 

We own our business, our processes and our name. My business has my name in the title so I feel extra proud and protective. Well, I have to overcome my anxieties because I am a superwoman but I cannot do everything. We must all remember that, as entrepreneurs, we are working to scale up and that means letting folks come in and help! 

I want to share some tips for successful delegation because we could all use an extra hand. 

Tip #1: Know What to Delegate

Knowing "who" you are delegating to will help determine your "what." 

Tip #2: Be Clear and Concise 

Make sure that the person you are delegating to understands what is expected, the goals and the instructions. 

Tip #3: Plan! 

Have a plan if something goes awry and have your systems in order!

Tip #4: Accountability is Key

Hold yourself and the person you are delegating to accountable for all aspects of the task and project.

Tip #5: Leave Room for Failure 

Mistakes will happen! It is ok for someone to mess up, make sure they understand what they did and why it was a failure. Ask them how this can be prevented next time. 

Tip #6: Give Credit Where Credit is Due

Don't forget to praise and credit where credit is due. Share in the accomplishments!

Hopefully these tips will help! Want more? Sign up for my email list!


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